Ministry Partnerships are just another way in which we at the OCSBA are striving to connect churches Together to Advance God’s Kingdom.
Our intent at the OCSBA is to make ministry needs known so churches can assist one another in reaching their neighborhoods for Christ.
Here is an example: Imagine a church in Santa Ana was planning an evangelistic event on a particular Saturday. They have secured the association’s Evangelism Block Party Trailer to host a block party. In order for the Santa Ana church to make this event happen they will need people to run the cotton candy machine, bar-b-que hotdogs and hamburgers, supervise the bounce house, put someone in charge of the popcorn machine, etc… It will take a number of people just to run the various attractional items to make the block party happen. This leaves fewer people free to actually meet and interact with the neighbors they are trying to reach.
Now imagine a small group from a church in Fullerton found out about this need and decided to volunteer their services to run the attractions as a ministry project so the members of the Santa Ana church could spend more time with the people coming to the event. What a blessing both churches would receive by ministering together!
These are the types of Ministry Partnerships we are seeking to develop!
Here is how you can be a Ministry Partner:
As you develop ministry plans for the year, make them known to us at the OCSBA office. This way be can list your need, time commitment, event, location, and how many people would be needed to make this ministry a reality.
As your church or small group looks for local ministry projects to partner with, we encourage you to spend time serving here in the association. It will give your group a way to serve together and bless a sister church right here in Orange County.
The more we help one another, the greater our bonds will be as an association of Churches Advancing the Kingdom Together!
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the OCSBA office click here to contact the office.