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Keen Vicsions


OCSBA Family!

Summer is here and I am so glad that we are basking in the afterglow of our Crossover evangelism events and the success of the annual meeting! Praise God for all of you who were able to participate in that and if you missed it, come join the greater SBC family in New Orleans next year! Crawfish, Beignets, and the SBC family! It is going to be great. You can even come to laugh at me as I try to lead a portion of the meeting. "Stand at ease", is what I learned to say from President Ed Litton, and I will use it often as I talk to the parliamentarians.

It is awesome seeing so many of you take on Vacation Bible School this year! The students looked really happy, and I am overjoyed to hear the results of all of them. I wanted to congratulate those who wrapped up their VBS, like Summer Slam at Faith Fellowship and Spark! at Shoreline Baptist Church. But also, I look forward to those churches that are getting ready to launch them. If you feel like your church is smaller and you want to be a part of VBS, then I would advise you to reach out so I can connect you to other churches that you can partner with. In Anaheim, the Chinese Baptist Church of Orange County is partnering with Immanuel Korean Southern Baptist Church, First Southern Baptist Church, Iglesia Nueva Vida, Thai Church in California, and Centro Familiar Cristiano Vida Nueva to do a VBS in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Thai, Korean, and Spanish for kids and adults! The first year we did it, we were nervous as to how it would work. However, after 5 years these churches have learned to move like clockwork. There is no reason you can't join in on a fellowship experience like this! Let me know, and I can help you plan it and even be there to help you do it! We need to share the Good News, and this is a fun way for the people that attend, and it is also a win for the volunteers as well! Pray and go for it!

I have wanted to share something with you, my family, for a long time. The pandemic season was tough, especially with all of the things that were in and around it. It took its toll on so many of our churches. If you are wondering where people went or if they are ever going to come back, you are in the same boat as many of us. The week before Father's Day at my home church, we were so full that we had to open up parking at the school parking lot next door. The week of Father's Day, there were more crickets than there were people in the sanctuary. I know because I could hear them. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED. Take courage. Be strong and courageous. Love everyone, but we can't wait any longer for those who are never coming back. It's time to move forward, minister to those you have in your congregation, and reach out to the people that desperately need Jesus around your church. What I mean by church is your people. God will grow your church the way He always has. Be hopeful, faithful, and don't give up!

I love and appreciate all of you! Come on out to our Tuesday morning breakfast and join in the fellowship! Log in to our Wednesday prayer meetings and get prayed for! Call me, message me, tweet me, because I care for you and I want to be there for you. It remains an honor to be your Director of Missions and a privilege to see what God continues to do in all of our churches!

May God Bless you!



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Orange County
Southern baptist



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250 N. Golden Circle Drive #101

Santa Ana, CA 92705

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