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Writer: Bailey SmallBailey Small

Updated: May 18, 2022

By Bailey Small

CYPRESS, CALIFORNIA - Members of the Orange County Southern Baptist Association met on Thursday, April 21st at First Baptist Church of Cypress for their Quarterly Executive Board Meeting. The meeting was well attended in person and online via Zoom, with over 15 churches represented.

OCSBA staff presented their reports and shared what has been going on in the association. Attendees also voted Shepherd of Grace Christian Church into membership of the Orange County Southern Baptist Association.

Bill Egan, Director of Church Planting, shared that "All three of the OCSBA's partnering church planters had great Easter weekend outreaches. Many new families were engaged during these outreaches. There were even two baptisms at Home Church! Much of the evangelism and early discipleship happens over sharing meals. Many deep conversations about what it is to follow Christ took place following the Easter services."

The OCSBA's Children's Ministry Consultant, Joni Lum, mentioned that there are 3 requirements that need to be fulfilled in order for churches to meet AB506 guidelines: training as mandated reporters, Live Scan screening, and updated policies and procedures.

Pastor Trevor Cooper (FSBC Cypress) delivering his report of the Evangelism Block Party Trailer

Joni added that the OCSBA is looking into the possibility of the becoming a Live Scan Private Service Provider. If this is achieved, it will save OCSBA churches time and money to get their Children's Ministry workers cleared by the State.

Dr. Victor Chayasirisobhon excitedly gave his report, mentioning that he has been solidifying relationships with denominational ministries operating in Orange County. He gave thanks to his team at OCSBA for making the transition to his era as DOM easy. He reported that he is working hard to unite the now 148 churches of the OCSBA into a family that prays, obeys, stays, and plays together. He said that the Tuesday morning pastors breakfast have tripled in size and he invited more pastors to attend each Tuesday morning at 7 am at Arthurs. Most of all, he is excited to see what God is continuing to do as he stated, "Doyle Braden built a big table, Mike Proud invited everyone to the table, and he has the opportunity now to cook all different kinds of food and invite even more people to the table."

The next Quarterly Executive Board Meeting is scheduled to take place at The Gate Christian Bible Church, 23456 Madero #160, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 on July 28th, 2022.



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